Calm Inflammation With This Honey & Turmeric Face Mask

Calm Inflammation With This Honey & Turmeric Face Mask

Another evening at home? There's no better time to treat your face to a lovely, anti-inflammatory mask!

This one is super simple, and you probably have what you need in the kitchen.

About the Ingredients

  • Honey (available through our Mobile Refillery) is anti-bacterial and antiseptic, making it great for treating acne. It's also full of anti-oxidants and is said to boost collagen production!

  • Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, meaning it's great for when skin is inflamed or breaking out. It may also help to reduce scarring.

  • Goldenseal tincture (optional) is helpful with hormonal acne. Alternatively, you could a few drops of Helichrysum hydrosol to address acne and acne scarring; or Rose hydrosol for general inflammation.

    Anti-Inflammatory Honey & Turmeric Face Mask

    Sage wearing the honey turmeric mask


    1/3 cup honey

    1-2 tsp turmeric (powdered)

    (Optional:) 5 drops goldenseal tincture, or another tincture or hydrosol of your choice.


    Apply generously to entire face. Let sit 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    If you have pale/medium skin DO NOT leave this mask on the more than 10 minutes. It will stain. Stain real bad.

  • Posted by Sage on 5/17/2020 to Recipes

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    Disclaimer: The Apothecary in Inglewood is not a pharmacy, nor does it offer any pharmacy related services. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of you, the individual. We recommend that you consult your primary health care provider before using alternative healing methods or products.

    Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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