Lilac: A Master Blend

Lilac: A Master Blend

The lilac bush is one of the first flowering plants of spring that is both fragrant and beautiful. As much as the scent of lilac is adored, its fragrance is one that is fleeting.

Many probably have noticed that there is no lilac essential oil or absolute on the market. The following is a formula designed to imitate the fleeting scent of lilac flowers.

Posted by Laura on 5/27/2020 to Diffuser Blends

Roman Chamomile: Release Stress and Tension

Roman Chamomile: Release Stress and Tension
In aromatherapy applications, Roman Chamomile provides for us by nourishing and assisting ailments of our body and minds. Included here are two master blends that use Roman Chamomile: one for the body, and one for the mind.
Posted by Katherine on 4/8/2019 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Black Pepper: Uplifting and Grounding

Black Pepper: Uplifting and Grounding
Spicy & musky; warming & restorative, Black Pepper essential oil is wonderful for mental, emotional and physical purposes. Find out more about this uplifting and grounding oil and utilize the included Master Blend for tough mornings.
Posted by Katherine on 3/18/2019 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Need a Supportive Push? Try This Simple But Gorgeous Essential Oil Blend.

Need a Supportive Push? Try This Simple But Gorgeous Essential Oil Blend.
In these long, seemingly endless, cold winter days; ginger is warmth for both your spirit and body, all while providing a needed boost to the immune system.
Posted by Katie on 2/27/2019 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

5 Essential Oil Blends for the Festive Season

5 Essential Oil Blends for the Festive Season
The holidays are a busy time -- it can take a lot out of you! Take a few minutes to yourself and pop one of these blends in the diffuser. You'll feel relaxed, recharged, and imbued with Christmas spirit!
Posted by Lindsay on 12/7/2018 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Essential Oils to Support You Through This Full Moon

Essential Oils to Support You Through This Full Moon
We're not astrologers, but we've heard the November 2018 full moon might find us with anger bubbling up and battling impulsiveness. We also hear that it's a great time to face our shadows and dig deep in order to release negativity and pain from the past, making space for renewal and moving forward in healing and positivity. And that all sounds like a whole lot of emotional processing that essential oils could help with!
Posted by Lindsay on 11/22/2018 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Our Top Ten Essential Oils for Focus and Concentration

Our Top Ten Essential Oils for Focus and Concentration

Whether you have a big project due and it's tough to stick with it; you're looking to beat the afternoon slump or you need a little help kick-starting your brain in the morning, essential oils can be an amazing aid for the brain. 

Here are our top ten favourite essential oils that we like to employ when we need to really dig in to a mental task and get the work done efficiently... without the mind wandering!

Posted by Lindsay on 10/24/2018 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Get to Know a New Oil Each Month

Get to Know a New Oil Each Month
Remember the joy of receiving a special package in the mail? Maybe a letter from a friend, or an unexpected gift? Perhaps even the Christmas Wish Book! Find out how we're aiming to bring back that simple joy with our Oil of the Month Club!
Posted by Lindsay on 10/17/2018 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

A Diffuser Blend to Feel Thankful For

A Diffuser Blend to Feel Thankful For
We're thankful for this amazing blend of spicy and citrus essential oils, for helping us celebrate this weekend full of pumpkin pie!
Posted by Lindsay on 10/3/2018 to Diffuser Blends

These Essential Oils May Help You Banish Nightmares

These Essential Oils May Help You Banish Nightmares
Generally nightmares are caused by acute stress and anxiety. I have chosen oils that really calm the central nervous system, ground you and help you to reach a place of calm. This will ensure that when you lay your head on the pillow, you’re not in a stressful, anxious state with your mind firing all over the place, especially in the negative realm.
Posted by Katie on 9/18/2018 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Five Master Blends That Are Perfect For Fall

Five Master Blends That Are Perfect For Fall
Five of our favourite essential oil blends for the autumn season.
Posted by Lindsay on 9/10/2018 to Diffuser Blends

Three Diffuser Blends to Perk Up Your Petals!

Three Diffuser Blends to Perk Up Your Petals!
Hot? Humid? Feeling wilted? Here are three diffuser blends to perk you right up!
Posted by Katie on 7/24/2018 to Diffuser Blends

Ask Your Aromatherapist: Lesser-Known Oils for Relaxation and Meditation

When you want to meditate, you want to focus yourself, still your thoughts and become more present. Here are some oils that will help you do just that.
Posted by Katherine on 7/16/2018 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Vote for our Spring Feature Scent!

Vote for our Spring Feature Scent!

The entries are in for our Choose Our Spring Feature Scent contest and it's time for YOU to vote!

Posted by Lindsay on 1/26/2018 to Diffuser Blends

5 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends For Cold and Flu Season

5 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends For Cold and Flu Season

Ahhhh-CHOO! It's a nasty, germ-covered world out there folks, and cold and flu season is in full swing. Here are five diffuser blends to use when germs are in the air or you're feeling under the weather.

Posted by Katherine on 1/25/2018 to Diffuser Blends

5 Diffuser Blends for Stressful Times

If you are already finding yourself rushing around to stores; worrying about your bank account balance; overbooked with holiday commitments and celebrations... you're not alone. Of course you likely already know that and wish you were alone as you ride up the crowded escalator. The following blends are helpful to diffuse when you make it safely back home or to the office, or to put in a portable diffuser (such as a necklace, inhaler or even a car diffuser). Choose the blend that best matches your mental state and breathe deeply!
Posted by The Apothecary Team on 11/24/2017 to Diffuser Blends

Disclaimer: The Apothecary in Inglewood is not a pharmacy, nor does it offer any pharmacy related services. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of you, the individual. We recommend that you consult your primary health care provider before using alternative healing methods or products.

Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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