Immunity Support For You And Your Littles!

Immunity Support For You And Your Littles!
Summer days are disappearing and we are welcoming cooler temperatures, holidays & back to school season... which means we are also unfortunately welcoming in cold and flu season. Although it may seem impossible to feel prepared for the inevitable
Posted by Ryliegh on 8/26/2024 to General Info

It's Plastic Free July!

July is one of our favourite times of the year because PFJ (Plastic Free July) is back! PFJ is a worldwide eco-challenge that you can introduce your friends and family to, who may not be as experienced with the zero waste lifestyle and would like
Posted by Ryliegh on 7/15/2024 to General Info

Transitioning To A Low Waste Routine: Period Edition (Honest Talk)

Transitioning to a low waste routine when it comes to your period may seem daunting, but with the resources we have today it really is the most simple route to take!
Posted by Ryliegh on 7/5/2024 to General Info

Showcasing Local Artisans at The Apothecary - Part 2

Showcasing Local Artisans at The Apothecary - Part 2
In a world full of repetitive, mass-produced goods, supporting smaller businesses and local artists is a great way to find unique products that celebrate individual creativity. Not to mention, shopping from local artists is a direct investment in your community. Check out these incredible artists we're proud to carry in-store!
Posted by Ryliegh on 2/11/2024 to General Info

Showcasing Local Artisans at The Apothecary

Showcasing Local Artisans at The Apothecary
If you have been in the shoppe lately, you may have noticed the section that we have set up so that our wonderful local vendors can be showcased all year long, and we can continue to help support and grow other small businesses. We wanted to highlight a few of our local vendors for you so that you can keep your eyes peeled for their products next time you're in the shoppe. You may recognize some of the vendors from last summer's market!
Posted by Ryliegh on 1/22/2024 to General Info

Tips For You and Your Houseplants To Thrive In 2023

Tips For You and Your Houseplants To Thrive In 2023
We’re strong believers in self-care at The Apothecary, and even more so when starting a new year! An excellent way to slow down, practice patience, and celebrate growth is by caring for your houseplants. Like most skills, we know plant care doesn’t come naturally to everybody, so we’ve compiled some tips and tricks to help cure what ails your indoor plants and inspire you to become more connected and intentional when caring for your plant babies.
Posted by Ryliegh on 1/11/2023 to General Info

The True Cost of Period Products in Canada

The True Cost of Period Products in Canada
The term period poverty is often used to describe the barriers people face when purchasing period products. But what does the term mean when applied specifically to Canadian menstruators? Let’s break it down.
Posted by Rosie on 9/3/2021 to General Info

10 Cozy Tricks for Maximum Hygge This Winter

10 Cozy Tricks for Maximum Hygge This Winter
The nights are getting longer and the days are getting colder, and this means that we need to put a bit of extra effort into self care. Giving yourself things to look forward to; paying attention to comfort in every part of your day; and adding to the coziness of your surroundings go a long way toward preserving mental health — especially this winter!
Posted by Lindsay on 11/25/2020 to General Info

Creating a Meal Plan for Winter Quarantine

Creating a Meal Plan for Winter Quarantine
Lower your stress by limiting your grocery store trips! Here are some simple ideas to help you meal plan during the pandemic.
Posted by Lindsay on 10/29/2020 to General Info

Apothecary in Inglewood Re-Opening Update From Jill

Apothecary in Inglewood Re-Opening Update From Jill
Like all of you, we are desperate for life and business to return to the way it was; the daily buzz of customers in the store is missed. Sadly, we have no idea when that way of life will be allowed again, and so we are in discussions about how to adjust in the interim.
Posted by Jill Hawker on 5/21/2020 to General Info

Why Bottles and Lids are Running Low - And What It Means for You

Why Bottles and Lids are Running Low - And What It Means for You
If you’re making your own products at home — especially any that require amber Boston bottles, sprayer or mister tops, or pump lids — you may have noticed that certain packaging options aren’t available on our site right now. This is a real problem. Let’s talk about why they’re not in stock, and why this is a problem.
Posted by Jill Hawker on 4/24/2020 to General Info

An Easy Way to Figure Out How to Order From Us!

An Easy Way to Figure Out How to Order From Us!
Wherever you are; whatever you'd like to order, we've got a flow chart to help you easily narrow down the steps to getting your goods!
Posted by Emilie on 4/20/2020 to General Info

10 Unexpected Uses for Peppermint Oil

10 Unexpected Uses for Peppermint Oil
You're familiar with this popular oil -- but did you know that it could be useful in these ways?
Posted by Lindsay on 10/9/2018 to General Info

Are You Living the Aromatic Life?

Are You Living the Aromatic Life?
Essential oils are a powerful tool and here at The Apothecary, we are passionate about offering information and education that empowers you to use essential oils for good, not evil. One of the ways that we love to share information and resources is through our Aromatic Life initiative.
Posted by Lindsay on 8/14/2018 to General Info

Celebrate Simplicity Day With These Amazing Resources

July 12 is Simplicity Day, and we are all for keeping things simple! Here at The Apothecary in Inglewood, we relate that back to three main ideas: Minimalism, Zero Waste, and Simple Living. With that in mind, here are five of our favourite resources for Simplicity Day.
Posted by Lindsay on 7/12/2018 to General Info

What’s The Opposite of a Plastic Bag You Send to the Landfill?

Thanks to a very cool organization called Boomerang Bags, we now accept fabric donations — and offer free, upcycled cloth shopping bags — in our store!
Posted by Lindsay on 6/14/2018 to General Info

Small Change: Big Impact

On March 12, 2018, we’re introducing a new, multi-part initiative meant to divert waste from the system while also giving back to the community.

We’re doing this in three simple steps — with your help! When you shop in the store, you can take part by doing the following...

Posted by Lindsay on 3/7/2018 to General Info

Shifting the Way You Shop and Live

Shifting the Way You Shop and Live
Adopting a new lifestyle or making major changes to your existing one isn’t something that can happen overnight, and making changes to reduce your impact on the earth is no different.
Posted by Jill Hawker on 11/1/2017 to General Info

Ayurvedic Autumn Balance

Ayurvedic Autumn Balance
Fall has come to Calgary and with that we are weathering the wild swings of climate that our city is known for. This is a perfect time to focus on balance, and in this post we will examine which essential oils can help to balance the doshas from an ayurvedic perspective.
Posted by Katherine on 9/18/2017 to General Info

The Inspiration Behind the "Refillery"

The idea of opening a “refillery,” as we’re calling it, has been rolling around in the back of my mind for a long time now. Similar to the idea of Bulk Barn, where you can buy all sorts of bulk ingredients for cooking, and even bring your own containers, and modelled after amazing refill concept stores in Vancouver and Toronto, The Apothecary in Inglewood now offers refill services on everything from clays to salts, from essential oils and carrier oils to laundry detergent, from herbs to shampoo and deodorant.

Posted by Jill Hawker on 9/7/2017 to General Info

What's New at The Apothecary in Inglewood?

Because we have expanded our brick and mortar store to include refillable bulk products and a much wider selection of personal care and home cleaning products, you will start to also see a number of new brands appearing here on the website.
Posted by Lindsay on 9/5/2017 to General Info

Aromatherapy and Dogs: Practical Tips for Pet-Owners

In a time when pet owners are actively researching natural health options for their pets, such as raw diets, dog owners are starting to also explore the use of essential oils for their pooches. If you’re wondering how essential oils could benefit your pup, here’s what you need to know!
Posted by Jill Hawker on 7/25/2017 to General Info

Go With the Flow & WIN!

We know, it's really hot outside. That's why we have teamed up with local businesses All Things Jill and The Paddle Station to create an amazing YYC Summer Adventure Prize Pack to help you cool down!
Posted by Lindsay on 7/5/2017 to General Info

Watch For Big Changes in the Store!

We have a lot of change on the horizon here at The Apothecary in Inglewood, and we think you’re going to love it! Over the summer, not only is the store going to grow in size, but so will our product and service offerings!
Posted by Lindsay on 6/8/2017 to General Info

Ayurvedic Spring “Fever”: Balancing and supporting our Kapha with essential oils

With spring comes lots of rain, some sun, and energy beginning to stir within us. This is the ideal time for beginning to exercise, start biking, or practicing yoga outdoors...
Posted by Katherine on 4/13/2017 to General Info

Disclaimer: The Apothecary in Inglewood is not a pharmacy, nor does it offer any pharmacy related services. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of you, the individual. We recommend that you consult your primary health care provider before using alternative healing methods or products.

Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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