Get to Know a New Oil Each Month

Get to Know a New Oil Each Month

With Our Oil of the Month Club!

Remember the joy of receiving a special package in the mail? Maybe a letter from a friend, or an unexpected gift? Perhaps even the Christmas Wish Book!

We really don’t get much mail anymore, and we think that’s a shame. The thrill of opening the mail box to find a small treasure is really something special.

Monthly Joy in Your Mail Box

We hope that our Oil of the Month Club packet brings this small joy to our subscribers each month when it arrives. When they see that envelope in the mail box, they know that inside they will find a small vial of essential oil. Much more than that, they also know that they will receive in-depth information about the included oil: common & Latin names, botanical family, country of origin, part of plant used, chemistry, extraction method, therapeutic uses, safety information, common uses, history, blending information, and more. Also included in each month’s package is a recipe incorporating the oil. For instance, in the past few months, subscribers have received a recipe for a blend to reduce hot flashes and sweating (incorporating Sage 1,8 Cineol); a "Freshen Up" mist with lavandin and a diffuser blend for creativity featuring tangerine.

So far in 2018, Oil of the Month Club members have received lavandin, tangerine, vetiver, sage 1,8 cineol, cajeput, eucalyptus citriodora, thyme ct thymol, yarrow, nutmeg and bergamot. We send out six drops in a vial when working with precious oils; 20 drops for more conventional oils. Some months, subscribers receive a sample worth more than they’re paying, since some precious oils are so pricey — for instance, Rose Otto costs $3 per drop!

All oils featured in Oil of the Month are sustainably harvested (like all our oils!) and organic where possible. This is a really fantastic way to build up your base of aromatherapy knowledge and perhaps even venture outside your comfort zone.

Subscribers also receive a coupon each month for 20% off one order of $50 or more (during that month)!

You can learn more about the Oil of the Month Club here and sign up, too, if you’d like! This makes a wonderful gift!

Posted by Lindsay on 10/17/2018 to Ask Your Aromatherapist

Disclaimer: The Apothecary in Inglewood is not a pharmacy, nor does it offer any pharmacy related services. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of you, the individual. We recommend that you consult your primary health care provider before using alternative healing methods or products.

Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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