Chai Two Ways: Diffuser Blend and Tea Concentrate

Chai Two Ways: Diffuser Blend and Tea Concentrate

Yummm! What’s better than a steaming cup of chai on days like this? How about a chai diffuser blend to go with it? Whichever way you like your chai spices, we’ve got you covered with these two recipes!

Chai Masala Master Blend 

Spicy. Energizing. Decadent. 

Essential Oil Ingredients:

This master blend is inspired by the Indian Chai Masala. Spicy and citrusy, the scent of this master blend will leave you feeling warmed and inspired. Simply drop a few drops (up to 10) in the diffuser and inhale deeply.

Chai Concentrate

Make a chai concentrate to save on money and packaging! This will keep in your fridge for at least a week.


Bring water to boil in large saucepan. Add all spices and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, add tea and steep 10 minutes. Strain and store in refrigerator.

To serve, heat with milk or milk alternative of your choice. Sweeten to taste.

NOTE: all spice quantities can be adjusted. Feel free to cut some out completely or add others to your liking.

* To save money, use the outer pod of the vanilla bean only, after scraping out the insides to use for baking.

Posted by Laura and Lindsay on 11/10/2020 to Recipes

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Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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