The entries are in for our Choose Our Spring Feature Scent contest and it's time for YOU to vote!
The entries are in for our Choose Our Spring Feature Scent contest and it's time for YOU to vote!
Ahhhh-CHOO! It's a nasty, germ-covered world out there folks, and cold and flu season is in full swing. Here are five diffuser blends to use when germs are in the air or you're feeling under the weather.
Is there a single note, synergy blend or your own custom blend of essential oils that you would love to experience in bath bomb or lotion form? Or maybe you want to share your genius blend with the world!
We invite you to submit your suggestion for our spring feature scent, to be used in our bath bombs and an exclusive lotion just for you. Tell us which scent or blend you would love to see (er… smell) featured and you could WIN five bath bombs and a bottle of hand & body creme in your scent, plus one 5 mL bottle of your custom blend!
It's January. Maybe the weather is great but it's probably not, and the kids have been stuck inside for an extended period of time. If you are a caregiver, teacher, parent or grandparent who is spending time with kids on a daily basis, you know that these kids have energy to expend and you need to help them with that (ideally without losing any of your hair). So let's talk about some essential oils and blends that you can diffuse and maybe get the kids engaged.
The holidays are all over now, and many of us are ready to detox! Our bodies are fantastic at detoxing themselves, but there are a number of ways that we can support these natural processes. Here, our aromatherapist Katherine explores some of the essential oils that can support our systems in detoxing and also give us a boost for achieving our goals in 2018!