Uncomplicated Lady Looking For Love: Plain and Simple

Uncomplicated Lady Looking For Love: Plain and Simple
They Call Me Plain Jane. Let's Enjoy Life's Simple Pleasures Together.
Posted by Lindsay on 4/30/2018 to Product Personal Ads

Gentle French Classic Ready For Amour de ma Vie

Gentle French Classic Ready For Amour de ma Vie
Bonjour, I am French Pink Clay Facial Soap.  J'aime ton visage.Oui, it's true, I am appropriate for use all over the body... but it is also true that I am gentle enough to use for daily facial cleansing.
Posted by Lindsay on 4/26/2018 to Product Personal Ads

Topical Oil Blend for Toothaches

Ouch! Are your teeth causing you major pain? Don't worry, we're not going to tell you that essential oils are the cure (they're not... get yourself to the dentist!). But diluted properly and applied topically, certain essential oils can really help to mitigate inflammation caused by dental issues, and take the edge off the pain that's happening in your mouth!
Posted by Katherine on 4/24/2018 to Recipes

Earthy Bar Soap Seeks Frazzled Shower Buddy

Earthy Bar Soap Seeks Frazzled Shower Buddy
Hi, I'm Patchouli + Cedarwood Bar Soap!  I'd love to get grounded with you. People tell me I'm down to earth, but I'm not sure if they mean I smell like earth, or that I make them feel grounded. I like to think it's both.
Posted by Lindsay on 4/19/2018 to Product Personal Ads

Disclaimer: The Apothecary in Inglewood is not a pharmacy, nor does it offer any pharmacy related services. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of you, the individual. We recommend that you consult your primary health care provider before using alternative healing methods or products.

Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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