Celery Seed (Ajamoda Seed)
Latin Name:Apium graveolens
Common Name:Celery Seed, Ajamoda Seed
Plant Part(s):Seed

The bright green stalks of celery are a staple in grocery store produce aisles, but the culinary world greatly appreciates the lesser known celery seeds. The fruits, or seeds, of Apium graveolens are a warming, slightly bitter spice often used in culinary dishes. Celery seed can be added to spice blends, marinades, pickling recipes, and beverage mixes. In herbalism, the seeds are prepared as a tea or extract.

The Greeks and Romans called it "smallage" and harvested it in the wild for its medicinal properties. The Romans used it more for cooking. When it was finally grown and harvested in the middle ages it was found to be a wonderful vegetable to add to the dinner table. It was not until the 19th century that the seeds were used as a spice in recipes and pickling. It was associated with funerals and bad luck, and woven garlands of wild celery were often found in Egyptian tombs. The celery used in herbal medicine is a close relative of the celery you can buy in market. The fruit or "seed" is grayish green to brown with a characteristic, slightly bitter, spicy taste. Too much celery seed can overpower a dish, whereas a little brings out flavors in other foods. Celery seed is used in pickles, casseroles, and Bloody Mary’s.


If using in therapeutic doses then not for use in pregnancy except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Celery seed should be used with caution by individuals with inflammation of the kidneys or a history of irritation of the kidneys. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

BULK PRICING: Price is per 10 g. To save on packaging, our herbs are sold in bulk and will arrive to you in a labelled paper bag. Now you may order as much or as little as you'd like!

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Product Number: 30295
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