Essential Oils for Animals

Essential oils offer a simple, effective way for animal lovers and healthcare professionals to support well-being naturally. This books explains how to use essential oils in your animal's care regime to increase health, reduce stress and increase the bond of trust between you.

Essential Oils for Animals offers a holistic approach to animal health and includes tips on natural management and how to feed for health. The book makes it simple for you to find the right essential oil for any problem and contains practical, easy-to-use information on:

  • How, why and when to use essential oils for animal health and daily
  • Detailed profiles of 52 essential oils, 20 hydrosols and 12 carrier oils
  • How to make natural lotions and potions
  • Nayana Morag was always interested in natural ways of caring for all beings, so it was ‘Love at first smell’ when she was introduced to aromatherapy for animals and zoopharmacognosy, as taught by Caroline Ingraham. In 1999 Morag enrolled in Animal Aromatherapy and Touch for Health for Animals through Caroline’s Epona Institute. Since then she has been practising Aromatherapy for Animals and teaching workshops worldwide, with a focus on behavioural problems.

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    Disclaimer: The Apothecary in Inglewood is not a pharmacy, nor does it offer any pharmacy related services. The information provided here is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of you, the individual. We recommend that you consult your primary health care provider before using alternative healing methods or products.

    Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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