Mend It, Wear It, Love It! Stitch Your Way to a Sustainable Wardrobe

A practical tool kit for mending and upcycling your wardrobe.

It's “sew” simple to give your wardrobe an eco-chic edge! With fast fixes and clever techniques, this accessible, fully illustrated sewing book has everything you need to mend, customize and care for your clothes.

Parting with damaged, yet beloved, clothes can be one of the saddest things, but what if you were able to fix those holes, give them a fresher look, and extend their life? Luckily, with this guide to mending and patching, you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite clothing items ever again!

Now you can cherish all your garments, even those in the furthest corner of your closet! This sewing book for beginners will help you master the skills to repair a seam and mend a hem, even if you’ve never touched a needle and thread before!

Enjoy Your Clothes for Longer

This sewing book arms you with the techniques you need to enjoy your clothes for longer and express your creativity. Detailed step-by-step illustrations and clear instructions explain how to sew, repurpose, and care for your clothes in a range of materials.

For anyone who cares about reducing fashion waste but doesn't want to sacrifice style, this is the book for you! It addresses the way mending is great for fashion sustainability and gives you the low down on “fast fashion”. From polluting ecosystems and breeding unsafe work environments, discover the huge human and environmental impacts those irresistibly cheap t-shirts have.

The Art of Mending and Sewing

Mend It. Wear It. Love It is for everyone! Packed full of simple fixes, as well as more advanced techniques, this book is perfect for sewers, crafters, and fashion lovers of all experience levels.

About the Author

Zoe Edwards is a sewing and dressmaking teacher who has been blogging about her sewing journey for over a decade. Her passions for sewing, reusing materials, and debunking fast fashion form part of her attempts to live a more sustainable and authentic life. She also aims to inspire and assist others in making their own clothing, with the firm belief that enjoying sewing needn't break the bank. She's the creator of the popular annual challenge Me-Made-May, which asks those who make their own clothing to wear it more often, or in different ways, during the month of May. The aim is to encourage people to bring the DIY and handmade ethos more firmly into their everyday lives, and to develop a better relationship with their handcrafted wardrobe. Zoe blogs at and is on Instagram as @sozoblog.

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