Redecker Flax Twine

This traditional twine comes in a variety of colours and can be used for kitchen, household or garden tasks. Also suitable for zero waste gift wrapping and made of 100% flax.

Need something to hold onto your twine? Try the Redecker Twine Holder made of dark oakwood.


    Redecker is a family-owned company based in Versmold, Germany

    Founder Friedel Redecker earned his living as a brushmaker after becoming blind as a child. His inventiveness, sense of quality and persistence brought about a company that has sold high-quality, natural products for three generations.

    Sustainable Practices

    Every Redecker product is critically inspected and thoroughly tested by family members and employees before making it to our storefront in Inglewood. The Redecker line offers modern luxury in a range of hand-crafted and practical household items.

Product Info

  • Length: 55m
  • Materials: 100% flax
Availability: In Stock
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Zero waste home, Refillery, Pure Essential Oils, Bath & Body, Wellness Products in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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