Wood Betony
Latin Name:Stachys officinalis
Common Name:Wood Betony
Plant Part(s):Whole Plant

Native to Europe, Stachys officinalis has a long history of use in traditional European herbalism for its wellness promoting qualities. Wood betony is a member of the mint family, with a spike of purple flowers and heart-shaped leaves at its base that become opposite, oval, and toothed as they make their way up the stem. The herbaceous perennial has a history of folklore surrounding it, mostly regarding protection and dreaming. Wood betony can be steeped as tea, applied in external applications, or tinctured.

"Sell your coat and buy betony," admonished an Italian proverb of the Middle Ages. Wood betony was once considered an herbal "magic bullet" for dispelling a wide variety of diseases. Antonius Musa, chief physician to the Roman emperor Caesar August, catalogued 47 conditions he treated with the herb. Wood betony is an herb native to Europe bearing a spike of purple flowers on a long, central stem reaching 1-2 feet (60 to 90 cm) high. All the leaves are rough to the touch and are also fringed with short, fine hairs; their whole surface is dotted with glands containing a bitter, aromatic oil.


No known precautions. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

BULK PRICING: Price is per 10 g. To save on packaging, our herbs are sold in bulk and will arrive to you in a labelled paper bag. Now you may order as much or as little as you'd like!

Availability: In Stock
Product Number: 30252
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